Thiophanate-Methyl + Azoxystrobin (66%+7.5% Wdg)
Thiophanate-methyl NOMENCLATURE
Common name thiophanate-methyl (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO, ANSI, JMAF)
IUPAC name dimethyl 4,4′-(o-phenylene)bis(3-thioallophanate)
Chemical Abstracts name dimethyl [1,2-phenylenebis(iminocarbonothioyl)]bis[carbamate]
CAS RN [23564-05-8]
Thiophanate-methyl APPLICATIONS
Thiophanate-methyl Biochemistry Carbendazim (q.v.) precursor.
Thiophanate-methyl Mode of action Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed by the leaves and roots.
Thiophanate-methyl Uses A fungicide used at 30-50 g/ha, and effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including: eyespot and other diseases of cereals; scab on apples and pears; Monilia disease and bitter rot on apples; Monilia spp. on stone fruit; canker on fruit trees; powdery mildews on pome fruit, stone fruit, vegetables, cucurbits, strawberries, vines, roses, etc.; Botrytis and Sclerotinia spp. on various crops; leaf spot diseases on beet, oilseed rape, celery, celeriac, etc.; club root on brassicas; dollar spot, Corticium, and Fusarium spp. on turf; grey mould in vines; blast in rice; Sigatoka disease in bananas; and many diseases in floriculture. Also used on almonds, pecans, tea, coffee, peanuts, soya beans, tobacco, chestnuts, sugar cane, citrus fruit, figs, hops, mulberries, and many other crops. Used additionally as a wound protectant for pruning cuts on trees.
Thiophanate-methyl Compatibility Incompatible with alkaline and copper-containing compounds.
Common name azoxystrobine ((f) F-ISO); azoxystrobin (BSI, E-ISO)
IUPAC name methyl (E)-2-{2-[6-(2-cyanophenoxy)pyrimidin-4-yloxy]phenyl}-3-methoxyacrylate
Chemical Abstracts name methyl (E)-2-[[6-(2-cyanophenoxy)-4-pyrimidinyl]oxy]-α-(methoxymethylene)benzeneacetate
CAS RN [131860-33-8], formerly [215934-32-0]
Azoxystrobin Biochemistry Quinone outside inhibitor. Inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transfer between cytochrome b and cytochrome c1, at the ubiquinol oxidising site. Controls pathogenic strains resistant to the 14-demethylase inhibitors, phenylamides, dicarboxamides or benzimidazoles.
Azoxystrobin Mode of action Fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar and systemic properties. Inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth, and also shows antisporulant activity.
Azoxystrobin Uses Controls the following pathogens, at application rates between 100 to 375 g/ha: Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia spp., Leptosphaeria nodorum, Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora teres on temperate cereals; and Rhizoctonia solani on rice; Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator on vines; Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbitaceae; Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani on potato and tomato; Mycosphaerella arachidis, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii on peanut; Monilinia spp. and Cladosporium carpophilum on peach; Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani on turf; Mycosphaerella spp. on banana; Cladosporium caryigenum on pecan; Elsinoë fawcettii, Colletotrichum spp. and Guignardia citricarpa on citrus; Colletotrichum spp. and Hemileia vastatrix on coffee.
Azoxystrobin Phytotoxicity Good crop safety, except on some varieties of apple (e.g. McIntosh, Cox).

Thiophanate-methyl NOMENCLATURE
Common name thiophanate-methyl (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO, ANSI, JMAF)
IUPAC name dimethyl 4,4′-(o-phenylene)bis(3-thioallophanate)
Chemical Abstracts name dimethyl [1,2-phenylenebis(iminocarbonothioyl)]bis[carbamate]
CAS RN [23564-05-8]
Thiophanate-methyl APPLICATIONS
Thiophanate-methyl Biochemistry Carbendazim (q.v.) precursor.
Thiophanate-methyl Mode of action Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed by the leaves and roots.
Thiophanate-methyl Uses A fungicide used at 30-50 g/ha, and effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including: eyespot and other diseases of cereals; scab on apples and pears; Monilia disease and bitter rot on apples; Monilia spp. on stone fruit; canker on fruit trees; powdery mildews on pome fruit, stone fruit, vegetables, cucurbits, strawberries, vines, roses, etc.; Botrytis and Sclerotinia spp. on various crops; leaf spot diseases on beet, oilseed rape, celery, celeriac, etc.; club root on brassicas; dollar spot, Corticium, and Fusarium spp. on turf; grey mould in vines; blast in rice; Sigatoka disease in bananas; and many diseases in floriculture. Also used on almonds, pecans, tea, coffee, peanuts, soya beans, tobacco, chestnuts, sugar cane, citrus fruit, figs, hops, mulberries, and many other crops. Used additionally as a wound protectant for pruning cuts on trees.
Thiophanate-methyl Compatibility Incompatible with alkaline and copper-containing compounds.
Common name azoxystrobine ((f) F-ISO); azoxystrobin (BSI, E-ISO)
IUPAC name methyl (E)-2-{2-[6-(2-cyanophenoxy)pyrimidin-4-yloxy]phenyl}-3-methoxyacrylate
Chemical Abstracts name methyl (E)-2-[[6-(2-cyanophenoxy)-4-pyrimidinyl]oxy]-α-(methoxymethylene)benzeneacetate
CAS RN [131860-33-8], formerly [215934-32-0]
Azoxystrobin Biochemistry Quinone outside inhibitor. Inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transfer between cytochrome b and cytochrome c1, at the ubiquinol oxidising site. Controls pathogenic strains resistant to the 14-demethylase inhibitors, phenylamides, dicarboxamides or benzimidazoles.
Azoxystrobin Mode of action Fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar and systemic properties. Inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth, and also shows antisporulant activity.
Azoxystrobin Uses Controls the following pathogens, at application rates between 100 to 375 g/ha: Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia spp., Leptosphaeria nodorum, Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora teres on temperate cereals; and Rhizoctonia solani on rice; Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator on vines; Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbitaceae; Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani on potato and tomato; Mycosphaerella arachidis, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii on peanut; Monilinia spp. and Cladosporium carpophilum on peach; Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani on turf; Mycosphaerella spp. on banana; Cladosporium caryigenum on pecan; Elsinoë fawcettii, Colletotrichum spp. and Guignardia citricarpa on citrus; Colletotrichum spp. and Hemileia vastatrix on coffee.
Azoxystrobin Phytotoxicity Good crop safety, except on some varieties of apple (e.g. McIntosh, Cox).