Farmers across the region have experienced significant losses due to the sky-rocketing grasshopper population.
"The population levels this summer have met the USDA-APHIS projection and, in some areas, have greatly exceeded it. The late snowstorms and cool and wet weather this spring
The countdown for the north-east monsoon having begun, local-body administrations must be on a tree-pruning spree. The blow has to be dealt. The cuts serve a larger good. The unkindest cut of all however is to walk away without binding the “wounds”.
“When trees are pruned and the
RACINE, WI—Touting the company’s commitment to the development of humane products, household chemical manufacturer S.C. Johnson announced Wednesday that its insecticide brand Raid would now include a spray that kills insects by making them cum so hard they die. “With Raid Climax, we can
What is this bug on my tomatoes and sunflowers?
Q: What is this bug on my tomatoes and sunflowers?
What is this bug on my tomatoes and sunflowers?
A: Looks like a type of leaf-footed bug, which are in the same family as stink bugs. When they get to your veggies, they’ll
Partly cloudy skies. Low 73F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 73F. Winds light and variable.
It’s a sign of the times: Spots and dots appearing before our very eyes, seemingly overnight.
No, it’s not your vision failin
While the breeding of insects for food purposes for animals – even for humans – is of growing interest to start-ups, the presence of the beetle Alphitobius Diaperinus is not at all desired in poultry farms in flesh.Because the deleterious effects of this insect are far from negligible: suspic
Corteva, Inc. (NYSE: CTVA) announced today that it is implementing the new global brand names of Qalcova™ active (pronounced “kal-KO-vuh”) for spinosad, and Jemvelva™ active (pronounced “jem-VEL-vuh”) for spinetoram, demonstrating Corteva’s commitment to building best-in-class,
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With the UK experiencing its hottest days ever early August
Q: Attached are photos of the peonies I care for at our church. To me, it looks like they have powdery mildew, which has happened the past three years or so. They’re on the east side, get plenty of sun and air circulation, and are watered by an underground sprinkler system. What, if anything
With metallic-green heads and bodies and copper-colored wing covers, Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) seem like tiny, cute and harmless creatures in a 1960s Godzilla monster flick.
Although their flights through any garden are Toho Studio-slow, Japanese beetles can form into destruct