The inability to source parts and products needed for the 2022 season has altered the preparation plans of XtremeAg farmers Kelly Garrett, Matt Miles, and Kevin Matthews.
A fifth-generation farmer, Kelly Garrett farms corn, soybeans, and winter wheat in western Iowa.
Press Trust of India | Chandigarh Last Updated at January 31, 2018 21:20 IST
A 26 October 2016 post written by Carly Fraser on her website “Live Love Fruit,” which has been shared over a million times on Facebook, alleges that various popular brands of tea contain dangerous levels of pesticides. However, the article inaccurately describes three different testing re
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A new sulphur fungicide formulation and elicitor product could help fill the gap left by the withdrawal of multisite active chlorothalonil.
Sulphur applications for disease control were comm
If you have peach or nectarine trees, winter is the time to spray them to prevent peach leaf curl.
Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that attacks peaches and nectarines. It appears in spring, causing new leaves to become reddish, puckered and severely distorted. This disease is caused
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The Biden administration will announce a trucking “action plan” today that emphasizes the use of appr
Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC
This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 886
On the road to healthy plants: Protect plants against the pests you can see and the stresses you can’t. BASF plant health experts discuss managing the stresses of shipping for ornamental crops, from color to trees.
Emma: From propagation to finishing, a lot of effort goes into protect
Caterpillars of all kinds have been out in abundance this year, starting with early populations of webworms, other leaf-eating caterpillars like sophora worm (feeding on Texas Mountain Laurel) and walnut caterpillars (feeding on pecans). The major nuisance right now is the fall armyworm. They
Be on the lookout! Armyworms are here! Not only have I been getting reports of armyworms across Pottawatomie County, but across all eastern Oklahoma. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a common pest of alfalfa, bermudagrass, sorghum, corn, wheat and rye grass and many other crops in