• How to boost corn yields in 2022 | Farm Progress

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:40

    Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

    This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 886

  • The Best Mosquito Killer Options for Pest-Free Spaces | Bob Vila

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:35

    By Tom Scalisi | Updated Jan 29, 2021 1:30 PM

    BobVila.com and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links.

    Most backyard barbecue attendees would agree that swatting mosquitoes away from their exposed skin really bugs

  • The Best Flea Fogger to Rid Your Home of Fleas - Bob Vila

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:31

    By Timothy Dale | Updated Feb 22, 2021 9:04 AM

    BobVila.com and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links.

    A flea fogger is a type of flea treatment that uses a variety of active ingredients to create a lethal pestic

  • The Organic Solution To Fight Fire Blight? - Growing Produce

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:23

    Organic growers fear fire blight as much as conventional growers. Fortunately, a pair of copper sprays, Previsto and Cueva, provide control comparable to conventional antibiotic treatments. Photo courtesy of Gowan

    The spray application of copper at full bloom appears to be essential to t

  • Are mosquito coils good or bad for our health?

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:17

    Clinical Lecturer and Principal Hospital Scientist, University of Sydney

    Cameron Webb and the Department of Medical Entomology, NSW Health Pathology, have been engaged by a wide range of insect repellent and insecticide manufacturers to provide testing of products and provide

  • Orchids: How to water houseplant ‘correctly’ - ‘look at its roots’ | Express.co.uk

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:11

    We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info

    Moth orchids, also known as Phalaenopsis, is the most common

  • False oleander scale attacks magnolias

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:09

    Q: The leaves on my mother’s magnolia have lots of little white dots on them. There are at least 10 per leaf and most are near the midvein of the leaf. Vicki Dowd, Cornelia

    A: My money is on false oleander scale insects. False oleander scale is not a good name since this insect attacks

  • Insights on the Fungicides & Bactericides Global Market to 2026 - ResearchAndMarkets.com | Business Wire

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:04

    DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE )--The "Global Fungicides & Bactericides Market Outlook, 2026" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

    Crop protectants are the chemicals sprayed on agricultural crops to save them from drastic damage. Generally known as pesticides or agr

  • Maximizing the effective life of plant protection products

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:58:02

    The problem of antibiotic resistant infections in medicine has received increasing attention in recent years, but farmers and their advisors are all too familiar with resistance problems too.

    Fungicides are a vital tool to control plant diseases, protecting yields and avoiding fungal con

  • Chem-China Archives - Beyond Pesticides Daily News Blog

    by admin on 2021-12-25 08:57:53

    (Beyond Pesticides, April 14, 2021) Litigation on the highly toxic herbicide paraquat may soon move into its next phase as lawyers representing victims recently requested cases be consolidated in the federal district court of Northern California. Over a dozen lawsuits have been filed against t