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Click here to sign in with or has recently conducted a study on Global Benzimidazole Fungicide Market for the period 2022 to 2028 extracting various primary and secondary sources of data. The Benzimidazole Fungicide report contains the background of the industry, growth patterns of historic years, market sha
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After they filed a complaint with the Ministry of the Environment in 2018, which was unsuccessful, a judge ordered the seizure of the farm owned by Moisés Montero and his wife Neila. (Tova Katzman/CPI)
The farmer looks down from the top of the slope. T
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Late Blight of Potato is particularly dangerous as it can lead to 80 - 100% crop loss if left untreated! But you don’t worry! In this article, we will tell you about the “Management & Preventi
News Concerns - Latest News Update
The use of fungicides to treat plant pathogens dates back 150 years, when a mixture of lime and copper sulfate, known as the “Bordeaux mixture,” was used to control fungal diseases in French vineyards. However, as fungicide usage has increased
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Edited by David Denlinger, Entomology and Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; received October 15, 2020; accepted October 16, 2021
Evolution of resistance to management approaches
The loss of any species is a tragedy, but the rapid disappearance of bogong moths has much wider effects
Last modified on Fri 17 Dec 2021 20.00 EST
I t’s conventional wisdom among wildlife lovers that the more charismatic an animal is, the higher its profile. Cute and cuddly spe
The company has decided against the phasing out of the Armada fungicide and is offering a discount on it through June 30, 2021.
CARY, N.C. – The Turf and Ornamentals business of Bayer, part of the Environmental Science division, has reinstated the Armada 50 WDG fungicide. Armada fungi
Infected mosquitoes were found in all five boroughs, one suspected human case is under investigation
Health Department reminds New Yorkers to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites
July 22, 2021 — The Health Department today announced that mosquitoes infected with West Ni