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An avid Kamloops gardener is trying an unusual way to control insects in her yard this summer.
Darlene Doricic hung praying mantis egg sacs on the tree in her yard six weeks ago.
“I thi
The Colorado beetle - how we get rid of it with very effective bio sprays or by applying chemical insecticides with a safe effect!The Colorado beetle is a dangerous pest of the potato crop, but also of the tomato or eggplant crop.Fighting the Colorado beetle poses big problems for farmers if it i
The authorities at the state and national level differ on the standards to be followed in declaring a product safe or unsafe.
Published: 27th July 2022 06:16 AM | Last Updated: 27th July 2022 06:16 AM | A+ A&n
Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms likely throughout the day. Some thunderstorms could produce locally heavy rainfall. High 79F. Winds E at 5 mph. Chance of rain 70%..
Scattered thunderstorms possible at times. Some thunderstorms could produce
I continue to receive tar spot reports from across Iowa. Given the moisture we have had the past couple of weeks and the growth stage of the crop, this is not surprising. Tar spot development is favored by leaf moisture.
As the growing season progresses, tar spot inoculum likely incr
A customer buys at an organic stand. (icon picture)
They cause nausea and headache. Due to harmful ingredients, major distributors and discounters have to take back food time and again. BioWare is particularly affected, “Sontagszeitung” writes. An analysis of warnings pub
Bug spray is no match for these creepy crawlies who know nature wins every time.
Bugs and insects are often made an afterthought. They are seen as the lesser in the animal kingdom until they become pests. They sting us, suck out our blood, eat our crops, and fly and multiply faster than
By Ricardo Baca , The Cannabist Staff
Bees have been dying at a historic rate over the last decade, and the Environmental Protection Agency is now pointing a finger toward a common pesticide found throughout much of traditional agriculture.
The chemical, imidacloprid, is also a fav
Spraying insecticides make mite problems more likely on susceptible plants such as Italian cypress. Miticides, unlike insecticides, are less likely to cause mite problems later.
Q: My Italian cypress had spider mites, so I sprayed the trees with an insecticide about six weeks ago. Nearby
This simple DIY neem insecticide made at home can help keep your garden free of bugs and insects in a healthy way.
Nurturing plants comes with its fair share of pesky insects that attack your plant. Before you realise it, these insects devour the plant leaving it for dead.