MORE than a half the dengue death having happened in the first 20 days of September and about a half of the year’s total hospital admission having taken place in the period are gravely concerning. At least 25 people have died of dengue in September and 5,826 dengue patients were sent to
Pepper fruit infected with Phytophthora rot.
Pepper fruit infected with Phytophthora rot.
Who plans for Phytophthora? Hopefully, you don’t have this disease on your farm, but if you do (and even if you do not), you should do some planning for its management.
Every year, I g
The new fungicide is the first fungicide developed for lawn care from BASF.
BASF is introducing Pillar SC Intrinsic brand fungicide, a dual-active liquid formulation that delivers broad-spectrum control of 26 cool- and warm-season turf diseases, like brown patch, dollar spot, leaf spots
The African Energy Chamber (AEC), the voice of the African energy sector, is proud to announce nominees for the African Energy Awards 2022 – exclusively sponsored by integrated energy and chemical company Sasol – to celebrate the relentless dedication and innovative mechanisms implemented
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Updated At: Sep 20, 2022 06:56 AM (IST)
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Primaries End with Calm Before Political Storm – “The Sunday Political Brunch” - September 25, 2022—Primaries End with Calm
Aphids reach a size of two to ten millimeters and have a soft body.It forms a large cluster on the attacked plant and multiplies very quickly, up to thirty generations can arise within one year.You can recognize it easily, the leaves of the infected plant are greatly twisted and it withers.The bu
Visit the FDACS Job Fair [ 2 MB ] : September 29, 2022
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Much like Alice is considered a weed and forced to leave the garden in the 1951 animated Walt Disney feature of Alice in Wonderland based on Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland,” many blossoms are scorned as wildflowers - something to get rid of before “it goes to seed.�
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Organic Pesticide Market” By Types (Insecticide, Herbicide, Fungicide), Applications (Agriculture, Horticulture), Regions and Forecast to 2029. The global Organic Pesticide market size is projected to reach multi million by 2029, in comparison to 2022,